What if the Social Networks were cars? Check up this funny image with Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.
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"Twitter" Tag
If the Social Networks were Cars
Twitter Search Update
Social Searcher added Real Time Search Results to the Twitter Search service.
Now users can easily surf recent or popular tweets relative to their search keywords.
Following Search filters are supported:
1. Phrase search (””)
2. Terms you want to exclude (-)
3. The OR operator
4. From/To User Operators
5. Mentioning Operator
6. Attitude Operators
7. Question Operator
Facebook is Gonna Check Up Profiles of Famous people
In the social network Facebook profiles of popular users will be checked up in the nearest future. Owners of these accounts will have to confirm that they are real people. It was reported by TechCrunch.
Handy Tools for Updating Facebook Offsite
Below you will find the list of the desktop applications for implementing of Facebook updates and notifications without even having to keep the site open in a browser. The number of these tools constantly increases, but here are eight of them.
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