"Statistics" Tag

20% of U.S. divorce cases are using Facebook Evidence

Divorce-Laws-FacebookRecently there was a survey conducted in America that intended to study the special features of divorce procedures in the USA. According to the results evidence from the social networking site is used in one out of five divorce proceedings in America.

American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers that hold the opinion poll announced that 81% of 1,600 lawyers asserted the growth of evidence from different social networking sites used in divorce cases.

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Facebook is Popular in UK!

people-UKThe quantity of Facebook users in the UK attained almost half of the population size of this country, i.e. 30 million people.

According to data published by the social networking site four million more account holders in the UK have registered since July 2010.

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Facebook Statistic

Facebook-Zuck1 person out of every dozen of them all over the world is rightfully considered as a Facebook account holder because he/she was registered on this social network. Every second of this quantity visit daily the social network.
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Popular Data Visualization Applications on Facebook

The competition among the plenty of different tools created to improve the appearance of users’ fan pages is quite high. Below you will find a list with only a few of them, whereas all of the mentioned tools are aimed to grade up your page. And this improvement is an important condition for remaining frequented and widely read. Thus and so, if you want to make your group or business page holding the attention of other people, pay attention to the next services: Read more

Students With Big Friend Lists Feel Stress

Recently social researchers from Edinburgh Napier University conducted a survey that which purpose was to find out the connection between the number of friends of a Facebook accountholder and his emotional state.
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Facebook Can Have 100 Billion Photos This Summer

Pixable analyzed current patterns of their Facebook images tool users and pointed out that Facebook can have 100 billion photos by this summer.
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Why do People “Unlike” Pages on Facebook?

Recently ExactTarget and CoTweet carried out an investigation named “The Social Breakup.” They researched the reasons that urge people to click on “unlike” button on Facebook brands sites. Every seventh out of ten of the social network accountholders are convinced that they’ve begun tending to choose more carefully when it comes to voicing their attitude regarding liking or unliking brands on the site. Almost half of Facebook users, rough estimated, removed themselves from a page’s admirer by clicking “unlike” button.
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83 Percent of Prostitutes are on Facebook

After a thorough research Sudhir Venkatesh, sociology professor at Columbia University came to the conclusion that about 83 percent of whores have their profiles on Facebook. A lot of turned to the social network but Craiglist got rid of the “adult service” category at a later time.
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81% Check up in Google or Facebook before First Date

Curiosity is one of typical human traits. And it becomes stronger when you meet someone who you intend to turn into your future lover. Google and Facebook come here to the rescue. According to an unofficial survey four people out of five look through profiles on Facebook in order to find out more about the person they are interested in.
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STUDY Increase of Ads Efficiency on Facebook with Friends’ Help

If you place an advertisement on Facebook, it will become non-topical faster than the same one inserted on search engines. Nevertheless social media have an opportunity to extend the terms of ads’ relevance due to including messages about user’s friend(s) activity concerning the brands.

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