24 years old student of the University of Vienna Max Schrems is fighting with the Facebook company for several months. It all started with the fact that Max posted a few well-composed letters to the Facebook, and made the California’s office to sent him a CD-ROM with all the personal data collected over three years of activity on the site.
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24 Years Old Student Started War Against Facebook
Facebook is Going to Scan for Malicious Links and Racism
The social network has confirmed its intention to scan all posted links on the site for malware and racism in real time with their partner – Websense company.
Australia can close Facebook for Teenagers
Australia may increase age limits for signing up to Facebook. If a positive decision on this matter is accepted, then sign up to Facebook in Australia can only begin at the age of 18.
Facebook Banned User Account for Inviting People to Google Plus
The social networks War between Facebook and Google Plus has reached next level. The administration of Facebook has already blocked special Chrome extension for exporting contact data of Facebook friends to Google Plus, and now Facebook banned ads related to Google Plus.
Why My Facebook Account was Banned?
All the Facebook account holders potentially incur danger to be excluded from the list of the users of the social networking site. This may happen if they violate rules, moreover, irrespective of the reasons causing the violation. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. That is why here is a list of things to avoid while visiting Facebook. If you follow them, you won’t face risk to be banned and will be able to keep in touch with your Facebook friends without any troubles. Read more
Popular Tools for Monitoring Your Children on Facebook
The discussions about the use of the social networking site by children appeared a long time ago and go on to remain one of the most important problems of today. The debates led even to enactment of age restrictions for Facebook users. Only children reached 13 years are allowed to register on the site.
But even if the child is old enough to be a Facebook account holder his/her parents are usually concerned about their child’s activities on the net. And this concern seems to be reasonable because the social networking site is full of data of different content.
That is why parents are advised to take control of the child’s actions on the site; and the following products were created exactly for the purpose to help parents to do it.
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New Virus on Facebook: ‘Naked and Funny’ Posts
The number of naked and funny videos spread over the social networking site has considerably increased in a short span of time. The video is not worth to be advised watching as is puts malware on your computer and spam on the walls of all of your friends.
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More Transparency in Facebook’s New Privacy Policy
It is generally admitted that the system of Facebook’s privacy policy is a little bit too complicated for a common user nowadays. That is why the company’s recent attempt to simplify the system and to make it more transparent was welcomed with opened arms. The previous numerous pages of privacy policy are going to be replaced with some more readable scribblings.
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5 Tips To Quit A Facebook Addiction
The advantages of the social network Facebook were discussed and proved a lot. But nevertheless all of its account holder occasionally have a wish to delete their profile. The reasons are obvious. People feel addicted to the net; they can’t stop watching the news and numerous photos of their friends and organize their own lives in a way suitable to be later shown on their page on Facebook. We need hardly mention that complete quitting Facebook will cause loosing touch with all of user’s friends, at least by means of the social network. But that is not what we actually want to happen. As a matter of fact, we need only the methods to reduce our stay time on Facebook. And here are five useful advices how to do it.
South Carolina Prisoners May Be Banned From Facebook
Convicts use computers and cell phones and consequently have access to Facebook which opening is not actually allowed in prison. The authorities find out new ways to prevent Facebook access by inmates. South Carolina offered to fine those who were caught surfing the social net. The punishment includes $500 and an extra month in prison.
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