"Guide" Tag

Social Searcher Major Update

social searcher home page

Recently Social Searcher service got a new look and feel, which should streamline user experience, provide new features and become 100% mobile friendly.

Social Monitoring has never been so simple with the full coverage of Web and Social Networks mentions, check up following steps:

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Social Searcher Step by Step: Finding new Competitions and Wins

finding competitions wins social searcherHolidays are coming and it’s gonna be a really Hot time for the online competitions. Lots of people are using Google Social Search tool for searching their wins in different competitions and there is a handy guide Finding wins with Social Searcher thanks to Di Coke.

Recently we released a Social Monitoring feature update, which can help you to automate the process of finding your wins. In this article we’ll describe it step by step as well as some tips for the new competitions finding in real time.

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How To Quit A Facebook Addiction

Facebook-addictPreviously, we published 5 Tips To Quit A Facebook Addiction. Now The Daily Telegraph reports that Facebook addiction appears to be even more stronger than alcohol or tobacco ones.

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How to Get Response From Your Facebook Fans?

Marketers introduce five methods to engage Facebook fans in communication process:
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How to Create Facebook Page for your website?

You will enjoy a lot of advantages in case you create a page in social networking site Facebook for you personal website. First of all, your site will be advertised in this way and this advertisement will definitely increase the number of visitors to your site. By the way, you can make the site visible for both registered and not registered Facebook visitors. Besides, you mustn’t have a plenty of accounts to create pages for different websites if you possess a lot of them. Having been registered once, you are allowed to create any number of pages for your sites as you only wish while clicking on “Community Page” or “Official Website”. Read more

GUIDE: Tagging Your Friends on Facebook

The present article introduces different ways of tagging your Facebook friends. It should definitely stir your interest especially if you are currently aware only of a pair of tagging methods or if are absolutely incompetent in the area mentioned. Read more

Facebook Friends Lists Guide

There are a lot of different reasons that cause people to register on Facebook but the mostly common is the longing for new acquaintances or even the wish to socialize which means to get in touch with current friends or attempts to find them at least in the vast expanses of the net. Read more

Design Guide: The Like Button Style For Your Website

If you are a Facebook account holder, then pressing the Like button will cause the appearance of the data marked with this Like button on the wall of your profile page. Your Facebook friends will also be familiarized with the contents behind the mentioned button. In the meantime the original button’s owner becomes enabled to publish updates of news feed concerning the Liked object to the user hereafter.

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Guide For iPhone Facebook Application 3.2

Recently a new version of the famous iPhone Facebook application was introduced by the inventive iPhone developers who clearly realize that the large majority of their client contains of true users of the social networking site Facebook. The improved 3.2 version is available on iTunes, the official Apple Store website. Read more

Want to become a Celebrity on Facebook? It’s Easy!

Lady GagaIf you dream to be very famous but don’t feel longing for working hard for it or don’t wand to wait for your indistinct fame’s day you are provided with the opportunity to enjoy popularity right now without applying any special efforts. The social networking site will render you assistance thereby.
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