"Group" Tag

Facebook Groups File Sharing with Dropbox

facebook_dropboxMembers of groups in the social network will be able to share files that were uploaded to the Dropbox “cloud” storage, with other team members, according to a Dropbox company blog.

“Today we’re psyched to announce that you can share stuff from Dropbox right inside Facebook Groups! Now you can share notes with your study group, add the latest game schedule to your basketball team’s group, or post a birthday video to your family’s group at lightning speed from wherever you are”, – mentioned in the blogpost.

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Facebook Groups File-Sharing

facebook_group_fileshareMashable reports that Facebook rolls out file-sharing feature for groups. It is available now only in Facebook Groups for Schools, which can be joined only by users with the valid email address of the particular college or university. In the nearest future, sharing of the files on Facebook will be available for everyone in any group.

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NEW: Groups for Schools on Facebook

groups_for_schools_facebookThe world’s largest social network Facebook announced private Groups for Schools. Only users with the valid email address of the particular college or university will be able to join them, according to the corporate blog of Facebook.

To join the main group of the college or university, you need to go to the Groups for Schools service page, use the Facebook Groups Search box to find the right school, and then leave a valid email address, which was provided by school.

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