Tax credit changes in the 2015 budget could hit three million families in the UK and they are likely to lose an average of £1000. Social media buzz about UK Budget 2015 trending now: users’ opinions, videos and links.
"Government" Tag
Social Media Study: Last 7 Days of the US Presidential Election Race 2012
Social Searcher team is glad to present social media study about US Elections candidates mentions on Facebook and Twitter. We thought that it might be interesting to measure up the last 7 days of the elections race when most of people get their final choise.
Recently launched Social Buzz search engine was used for gathering data.
Do you think social mentions information can forecast the result of election? Then go on reading and get some more interesting facts.
Zuckerberg and Russia’s PM Medvedev Discuss Facebook in Moscow
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev had a meeting with the founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. Dmitry Medvedev and Mark Zuckerberg discussed the possibility of the Facebook presence in Russia as a software development company.
Participants of the meeting also talked about IT business in Russia, the problems of copyrights in the Internet and prospects of the startups in the “Skolkovo”.
Facebook Buys Facial Recognition Company
Back in 2010 Facebook released Automatic Facial Recognition feature and now the social network acquires facial recognition startup was founded just three years ago and already provided some face recognition technology to Facebook. According to the Financial Times, the amount of the deal can be estimated in the tens of millions of dollars. The mass media called the sum of $ 80-100 million.
Australia can close Facebook for Teenagers
Australia may increase age limits for signing up to Facebook. If a positive decision on this matter is accepted, then sign up to Facebook in Australia can only begin at the age of 18.
Facebook users can contribute to the Constitution of Iceland
As you know, the economy of Iceland is still reeling from the financial crisis of 2009. Perhaps partly because of this, maybe because the government of this small country is trying to make a constructive dialogue with its people, to assist in the creation of a new basic law of the country – the Constitution. Anyway the Icelandic authorities have invited its citizens to the creation process.
“Twelth Plan” of India Planning Commission
Over 1.2 billion inhabitants of India are inquired by the state committee about the ways of spending money received from taxpaying public. The question is raised on Facebook.
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