The social networks War between Facebook and Google Plus has reached next level. The administration of Facebook has already blocked special Chrome extension for exporting contact data of Facebook friends to Google Plus, and now Facebook banned ads related to Google Plus.
"Google" Tag
Facebook Banned User Account for Inviting People to Google Plus
Skype and Facebook have launched a Video Chat
Facebook in his blog announced the launch of a video chat network in conjunction with Skype. Although no additional software is required to work, still need to download the browser plug-in. Can simultaneously communicate with several people. While the feature does not work at all, but we are promised that “within weeks” it will be available for all Internet users.
Mark Zuckerberg has registered on Google Plus
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg already have an account on the new social network Google +. There are 39 people in his circle at this moment, including technical director of Facebook Bret Taylor, and over 20 thousands of users added Zuckerberg to their circles.
Google Plus One VS. Facebook Like
Recently a new service called +1 has been introduced by Google. A new option offered by Google represents a real rival to the Facebook’s Like button. Plus one helps to estimate what exactly people are interested of and concerned about.
Google Adsense is out of Facebook’s Advertisment Providers List
Recently the social network Facebook published a renew list of advertisement providers that are allowed to be used by the account holders of Facebook. Google search engine is not on this list. That means that Google Adsense, for example, can’t be used in order to generate revenue within a Facebook application.
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Google’s Social Search vs. Facebook
Google announced integrating social media in to latest search engine. They managed to do so without mentioning Facebook in an entire blog post.
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