Application developers are now provided with a new tool by the social networking site. They are now empowered to batch requests whence it follows that they are allowed to access the Graph API more efficiently. The number of requests possible to be batched comes up to 20. Developers can also batch multiple HTTP methods and FQL queries, and are enabled to order operations to specify connections involved.
"Development" Tag
New Batched Requests For Facebook Developers
Facebook is Planning to Deprecate FBML and Allow Iframe Page Tab Apps
According to a recent statement of Facebook developers, FBML and FBJS will be depreciated since March 11, 2011 and Page tab applications are going to be built and implemented using iframes. Both canvas and tab applications are supposed to be built on the same programming model. In addition to that iframes will allow integrating social plugins and the Graph API into tab apps.
HTML5 for Game Developers on Facebook
Lately one of the co-founders of Walletin, named Cory Ondrejka, joined Facebook. He seems to be getting on a treat because the platform’s advocate of HTML5 is going forward. The object pursued by Facebook is to incline developers to choose HTML5 over building native iOS or Android apps. Pursuing of this goal allows the company to avoid relatively closed intermediate members like Apple when it intend to introduce new platform functionality or bring products like Credits to mobile games.
New Comments Box Plugin from Facebook
Comments Box social plugin on Facebook was considerably changed a short time ago. First of all it performs particular waveforms with the purpose to provide appropriate remarks. Besides the new system empowers the admins to delete indecent and unbecoming comments. Act of logging by users to plugin either through the social network or Yahoo! brings about announcement of user’s remarks on the wall.
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