"Social Media & Tech News" Category

Facebook Friendship Pages Redesigned

facebook_friendship_icoThe social network introduced a radically new design of the friendship pages. If you want to see how close you are online with a particular friend or a member of your family, your friendship page with him will show all the posts, photos and events that you shared online together.

This is a great feature – especially for those ones who are in a “relationship” with another user in Facebook.

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Social Media Study: Last 7 Days of the US Presidential Election Race 2012

economistSocial Searcher team is glad to present social media study about US Elections candidates mentions on Facebook and Twitter. We thought that it might be interesting to measure up the last 7 days of the elections race when most of people get their final choise.

Recently launched Social Buzz search engine was used for gathering data.

Do you think social mentions information can forecast the result of election? Then go on reading and get some more interesting facts.

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Facebook Stock Adds 10% on Mobile Ad Revenue News

facebook_stockThe stock quotes of the world’s largest social network climbed 10% after the publication of the mobile advertising revenue report which grew by 14 percent in the Q3 2012.

According to the report, in the third quarter of this year, the social network increased its total revenue by 32% up to $ 1.26 billion, topper forecasts of the analysts.

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Facebook Billion Users Infographic

facebook_billion_logoThe European Marketing Agency KRDS published a new 1 billion Facebook users infographic, which worth to have a look.

Let’s go deeper and try to understand what is behind this huge 1 billion number.

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Facebook’s Future in 10 Years

facebook_futureA few days ago Facebook overcame 1 billion users level (we highlighted analysts predictions of this fact before), and Mark Zuckerberg said about his hopes for the future union of the world in Facebook.

It’s a good time to think about the future of the social network and whether it will even exist, for example, in 10 years?

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Zuckerberg and Russia’s PM Medvedev Discuss Facebook in Moscow

zuckerberg_medvedev1Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev had a meeting with the founder of the social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg. Dmitry Medvedev and Mark Zuckerberg discussed the possibility of the Facebook presence in Russia as a software development company.
Participants of the meeting also talked about IT business in Russia, the problems of copyrights in the Internet and prospects of the startups in the “Skolkovo”.

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Facebook Groups File Sharing with Dropbox

facebook_dropboxMembers of groups in the social network will be able to share files that were uploaded to the Dropbox “cloud” storage, with other team members, according to a Dropbox company blog.

“Today we’re psyched to announce that you can share stuff from Dropbox right inside Facebook Groups! Now you can share notes with your study group, add the latest game schedule to your basketball team’s group, or post a birthday video to your family’s group at lightning speed from wherever you are”, – mentioned in the blogpost.

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Facebook Creates the Biggest Office Designed by Frank Gehry

facebook_office_logoPrevioulsy we had a look on the Facebook office inside, and now Mark Zuckerberg invited legendary architect Frank Gehry to design a new campus for the social network employees in Silicon Valley.

It should be a unique workspace for 3400 engineers that support and update the most popular social network in the world.

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New Facebook Application for iOS is Much Faster

Facebook_ios_app_5The social network Facebook released an updated application for iOS (iPhone and iPad). In the new 5.0 version the company tried to eliminate the problem, which caused the most complaints from the users in the past – low speed.
Facebook declares that the new version is faster and uses less system resources.
“We’ve rebuilt the app from the ground up, so now the app opens much faster and your news feed and notifications load right when you open Facebook,” – said Mick Johnson, the company’s product manager.

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Russian Wiki Shuts Down to Protest Internet Censorship Bill

wiki_shut_down3The Russian-language Wikipedia website was shut down on Tuesday 10 July. Now it has a stark black line across its main page in protest at a bill, which may be used to censor the Russian internet.

“Imagine a world without free knowledge,” it said in a statement. Russian parliament will discuss on Wednesday amendments to an information law and they “could lead to the creation of extrajudicial censorship of the whole Russian-language internet”.

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