"Online Marketing & Advertising" Category

Facebook Ads Become More Popular

facebook_adsOn comparing first quarters of 2011 and 2012, the average Cost per Thousand(CPM) of ads increased by 41%. In other words, Facebook earns almost half more now. At the same time, the average CPM in the last quarter grew 15% in the U.S. and 13% in the UK.

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Infographic: Best Practice in Facebook Fans Engagement

facebook_fans_engagementNot every post that is placed on the Facebook Brand Page by administrator gets response from subscribers. According to Facebook the average Facebook Post reaches the target audience only in 16% of cases.

Due to the fact that the vast majority of “fans” of a page on Facebook, never return to it after “Liking” it, the VA Simple Services company created infographic to clarify issues related to the work of Facebook, and thus try to help the owners of pages to deliver their content in to the feeds of users.

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HUGE: Facebook Pages Timeline

facebook_pages_timelineThe world’s largest social networking site Facebook launched a new type of accounts for the public pages of brands, companies and celebrities. The new tool will allow Facebook Pages to submit information about themselves in a dynamic manner.

Administrators of Facebook Pages now can add a main head image, which is considerably larger then profile photo. In addition, starting from Wednesday, Facebook Pages will be able to place information in the form of timeline, which allows to highlight significant events or hide some of the posts.

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Facebook Mobile Advertising is Coming

facebook_mobileThe social network is planning to run ads for a mobile version of the service before the initial public offering (IPO). This was reported by Financial Times with reference to anonymous sources.
Thus the company is going to get another source of income. Facebook noted in the application for IPO that more than half of the users used service on mobile devices.

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Facebook has more than 10% of the USA Web Traffic

facebook_trafficAccording to the Experian Hitwise report made ??on the basis of all USA search engines, Facebook was the most frequently used word in search queries and the most visited site in 2011.
In addition, 4 search queries out of top 10 are connected with Facebook. This is the third year in a row,when the largest social network leads in search queries worldwide. In 2011 it has 3.1% of web search queries.

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In June Facebook received 1 Trillion Page Views

Facebook-Like-Button.jpgAccording to the advertising network DoubleClick, in June, Facebook pages have been visited more than a trillion times by 870 million unique users. Now, in this context, talk of tough competition between Facebook and newly created Google + look simply not serious.

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