"Facebook Security" Category

Send Message to Any Facebook User for FREE

facebook-message1Back in December Facebook introduced a $1 charge for sending a message to the Facebook inbox of any user.

Today we’d like to share a FREE way for messaging strangers on Facebook, just have a look on a step-by-step below.

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Facebook Help Center Update

facebook_safety_logoThe most popular social network updated interface of the Help Center: simple navigation and a list of frequently asked questions.

Facebook launched Help Center in 2007 as a part of the users support service, which provided answers for the various questions about functions and products of the social network. An updated version of the Facebook Help Center is designed to simplify the search of information for users and developers.

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Facebook Insurance for Users Protection was Launched in UK

Facebook_insuranceYesterday the UK based company ALLOW announced a launch of the first social media insurance to protect against reputation issues, social network account jacking and ID theft.

It is no a secret that social networks users do care a lot about their online reputation and cyber criminals get profit out of hacking Facebook or Twitter accounts.

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UPDATE: How to Hide/Remove Yourself From Facebook Search Results

facebook_fence_icoFacebook is constantly updating its inteface and settings configuration, so most of the How-To tutorials published in the various blogs are invalid now.

Today we are reviewing the up-to-date process of removing yourself from Facebook Search Results with screenshots:

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How To Quit A Facebook Addiction

Facebook-addictPreviously, we published 5 Tips To Quit A Facebook Addiction. Now The Daily Telegraph reports that Facebook addiction appears to be even more stronger than alcohol or tobacco ones.

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Warning: All Facebook Profile Visitor Apps – Fake

facebook-crime-logoFacebook is quickly becoming one of the most popular platforms for web-scams of all kinds. This is not surprising due to 900 million potential victims. Web criminals invent new ways of cheating everyday, recent trend is Profile Visitor Applications, according to Internet security company Dr. Web.

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Facebook Groups File-Sharing

facebook_group_fileshareMashable reports that Facebook rolls out file-sharing feature for groups. It is available now only in Facebook Groups for Schools, which can be joined only by users with the valid email address of the particular college or university. In the nearest future, sharing of the files on Facebook will be available for everyone in any group.

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New Facebook Security initiative: Free Antivirus Protection?

facebook_antivirusThe founders of Facebook have signed an agreement with a number of antivirus software companies. After that, users of the social network can have access to the free versions of the antivirus programs and install some other security tools.

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TOP 7 Mistakes on Facebook

facebook_security_logoAs in any social network, Facebook is full of people who are not completely familiar with the privacy settings. If a person is engaged in serious business, and uses the Facebook page to attract customers, then open page is good, however, if the personal page is open to the public, it can lead to some problems, including hacking the page.

Let’s have a look at 7 common mistakes of the average user:

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Statistics: 38% of Children on Facebook are Under 12

children_facebookAccording to the new research, Facebook’s restriction for registration of users under 13 years old, does not stop little children from doing it.

Previously we had an overview of the Popular Tools for Monitoring Your Children on Facebook. Now MinorMonitor, a tool for parents for monitoring activity of their children on Facebook, reports that in a poll of 1000 parents about how their kids use Facebook, appears that 38% of children under 12 years old are on Facebook. Among 1000 children, according to their parents, 40 were under the age of six.

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