"Facebook News" Category

Facebook is Gonna Check Up Profiles of Famous people

facebook_celebrity_profileIn the social network Facebook profiles of popular users will be checked up in the nearest future. Owners of these accounts will have to confirm that they are real people. It was reported by TechCrunch.

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Angry Birds on Facebook!

angry_birds_facebookThe Rovio company launched Angry Birds App for Faceboook. It was reported by CNN.
In general, according to developers, this application for Facebook is a bit different comparing to its mobile version. Users can play on the standard levels with some advanced features: additional accuracy, more powerful birds, and much more.
However, users will have to pay for these bonuses. Representatives of the Rovio hope that users of Angry Birds Facebook will pay more gladly for bonus options then in similar applications like “FarmVille” or “Mafia Wars”.

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Facebook IPO

facebook_ipoAs reported by the business newspaper The Wall Street Journal, social network Facebook will have an IPO on February 1 supported by the world’s largest bank Goldman Sachs.

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Facebook Timeline Apps Platform

facebook_time_line1The social network has finally launched its Timeline Apps platform, which includes a variety of applications based on Open Graph API.
This platform, which was announced last September on the F8 conference, allows third party developers and companies to build Facebook applications that can post information about any events in the life of the user, his interests, habits and preferences. What exactly should see other Facebook users, you can configure using applications settings.

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New Facebook Feature: Listen to Music With Your Friends


Facebook offered users listening to music together with friends. A new feature was presented in an official blog of the social network.
Now any Facebok user, who see that some of his friends listening to music, will be able to click “Listen With” button and listen the same track.

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Facebook has more than 10% of the USA Web Traffic

facebook_trafficAccording to the Experian Hitwise report made ??on the basis of all USA search engines, Facebook was the most frequently used word in search queries and the most visited site in 2011.
In addition, 4 search queries out of top 10 are connected with Facebook. This is the third year in a row,when the largest social network leads in search queries worldwide. In 2011 it has 3.1% of web search queries.

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Facebook Android App Beats iPhone Version

android_vs_iphoneAccording to AppData analysts, the number of daily active users of Facebook application for Android exceeded the iPhone one. Nevertheless, Facebook application for iPhone still has more monthly active users.

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Facebook Android App New Update

facebook_android_appFacebook application for Android was updated, now user interface looks similar to the iOS mobile app. Announced version of the application should be much faster.

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Facebook has bought geo-social service Gowalla

gowalla_logoThe Social network Facebook has bought geo-social service Gowalla, which is considered to be one of the main competitors of Foursquare. CNN Money reported this with the reference to an anonymous source. It is assumed that Gowalla developers will join Facebook staff and will work on the “Timeline” feature, which was announced in September. The deal amount is unknown.

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Recover Your Facebook Password with the Help of Friends

facebook_trusted_friendsSocial network Facebook has introduced two new features to its own security system. This is reported on Facebook Security page.

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