"Facebook News" Category

Facebook Android Application Update: V1.9

facebook_android_logo4 months ago we already had an overview of updated Facebook App for Android, yesterday Facebook released new version 1.9 of the application.

According to official blog post, Facebook for Android 1.9 includes:

  • Performance improvements.
  • New messenger features, like adding adding people on the fly to the group conversation.
  • Shortcuts to share photos and messages faster.

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Facebook Ads Become More Popular

facebook_adsOn comparing first quarters of 2011 and 2012, the average Cost per Thousand(CPM) of ads increased by 41%. In other words, Facebook earns almost half more now. At the same time, the average CPM in the last quarter grew 15% in the U.S. and 13% in the UK.

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Facebook Timeline Gets Email

facebook_page_emailIt’s been about six months since Facebook presented Timeline for pages. Now the social network introduces next innovation: starting from this week, each Timeline Page will get an email address.

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NEW: Groups for Schools on Facebook

groups_for_schools_facebookThe world’s largest social network Facebook announced private Groups for Schools. Only users with the valid email address of the particular college or university will be able to join them, according to the corporate blog of Facebook.

To join the main group of the college or university, you need to go to the Groups for Schools service page, use the Facebook Groups Search box to find the right school, and then leave a valid email address, which was provided by school.

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Inside Facebook Office in Menlo Park

Facebook-HQ.-You-Like-ThisAt the end of 2011 Facebook completely moved to the new headquarters in Menlo Park and said goodbye to the office in Palo Alto. Yesterday some new pictures of the Facebook Office were published in social networks. Let’s have a look on these photos! Some things are very interesting and not immediately understandable.

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Top 10 Football Clubs on Facebook

footballFacebook pages of the football clubs have millions of followers, today we are glad to present the Top 10. The most active Facebook footbal fans are from Spain, England, Italy and Turkey.
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Facebook counterattacks Yahoo in patent infringement suit

facebook_yahooThe social network Facebook responds to Yahoos patent infringement suit with accusing the internet company of stealing intellectual property.

In March, Yahoo! accused the social network of Mark Zuckerberg in illegal use of technology, protected by ten patents. It was about the methods of online advertising, personalization tools, messages delivery and generation of news feeds.

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New Facebook Search Engine – Google’s Killer?

facebook_search_exampleFormer founder of the ambitious, but failed Google Wave project, Lars Rasmussen, is now a part of Facebook team and working on a new, improved version of the Facebook search engine, which must compete with the Google’s one.

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Facebook Hacker Cup again Goes to Russia

fb_hacker_cup_logo18 March at the headquarters of Facebook in Menlo Park the final round of the annual competition Facebook Hacker Cup was held.

The winner of the contest, which lasted for three hours, became Roman Andreev from Russia. He was awarded a check for $ 5000, and his name will be engraved on the Hacker Cup. Last year’s winner of the Facebook Hacker Cup competition also was programmer from Russia – Peter Mitrichev.

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HUGE: Facebook Pages Timeline

facebook_pages_timelineThe world’s largest social networking site Facebook launched a new type of accounts for the public pages of brands, companies and celebrities. The new tool will allow Facebook Pages to submit information about themselves in a dynamic manner.

Administrators of Facebook Pages now can add a main head image, which is considerably larger then profile photo. In addition, starting from Wednesday, Facebook Pages will be able to place information in the form of timeline, which allows to highlight significant events or hide some of the posts.

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