"Facebook News" Category

More Transparency in Facebook’s New Privacy Policy

Privacy IconIt is generally admitted that the system of Facebook’s privacy policy is a little bit too complicated for a common user nowadays. That is why the company’s recent attempt to simplify the system and to make it more transparent was welcomed with opened arms. The previous numerous pages of privacy policy are going to be replaced with some more readable scribblings.
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New Version of Bing Toolbar With Facebook Integration from Microsoft

A new version of Bing Bar was recently released by Microsoft. It is especially attractive in the first line thanks to the fact that it was developed with Facebook integration. Now you do not need to visit Facebook.com to see your friends’ lately activities and fresh photos or to learn about getting a new message. If you a Bing Bar user, you receive the info at once.

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New Facebook Relationship Status Options

Domestic partnerships and civil unions are included by Facebook into the list of options in the relationship status. However, this function did not become available everywhere but only in the U.S., Canada, U.K., Australia and France.
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New Facebook Pages Guide

Social network Facebook changed its pages design. The alteration causes different, both positive and negative reactions of account holders. But in general the changes are considered as a favourable amelioration. You will find a minute description of new Facebook pages below.
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Will Facebook Employees Sell $1 Billion In Shares?

It was lately reported that an institutional investor suggested Facebook $1 billion in exchange for employees’ shares of the social network.
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Facebook is moving headquarters to Menlo Park

Facebook is changing its location area. It will be situated in Sun Microsystem’s 57-acre campus in Menlo Park now while moving 3.6 miles down the road.

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Page Wall Post Comment Spam Filter On Facebook

Comments on Facebook will be classified now in marked with grey or blue background. The first are of low quality and considered as spam. They will not even appear to other users sometimes. The latter are okay. This new filter allows admins to select and evaluate the quality of comments more quickly and easier. However this filter will be applied only to new remarks having nothing to do with old comments.

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Does a Curse on Facebook Justifies User’s Arrest?

A Nigerian inhabitant of Jigawa has lately been committed to prison because of an unusual case. He posted a pointed curse on his Facebook profile about one of representatives of Jigawa’s authorities.
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Facebook’s Victory in the Judgement Against Spammer

Struggle against spammer seems to incline towards spammer victims’ side. Facebook won the legal case against spammer Philip Porembski who was blocked from the site and forced to pay $360.5 million for damage the company. This was the decision of federal court in San Jose, California.
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