"Facebook Applications" Category

Cool Facebook Emoticons Applications

Facebook introduces a new application that is aimed to perk up your mood. You remember those funny laughing, crying, cheering and raging faces that are often seen on forums and blogs. People use them to express their emotions. Now you have an opportunity to image your mood with such droll pictures, too. Just install one of these amusing Facebook pro emoticons applications and enjoy communication with your friends in a new fashion. It is especially pleasant that Facebook provides these apps for free. Read more

Popular Facebook Applications for Doctors and Patients

Facebook social network offers new applications which can be useful both for doctors and their patients. They include data about a great deal of different medical issues and this information is of vital importance as it concerns our life. Users are advised to pay their attention to the following applications especially when medical assistance is of dire necessity. Read more

Lack of Facebook Bi- and Same-sex Dating Applications

Not everybody likes dating applications on Facebook. This is significantly connected with the presence of different sexual orientations.

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Facebook Apps Help to Study Online

A large number of Facebook users consists of students. They play Facebook games, chat with their friends or just browse the network. But they not only have an opportunity to waste their time in Internet but to learn something new. In spite of the fact that the overall majority of students visit schools, colleges, and universities in order to get an education the number of people preferring to study via online means is increasing day by day. Educational portals avoid the main disadvantages of traditional education that cost a lot and includes inconvenient schedule. Read more

Facebook Emoticons by Facemoods

For some years now, smileys and emoticons have become an integral part of the Internet
lexicon. Smileys are most often used for unofficial emails and chats. Some services,
such as WordPress, even have a built-in converter that automatically turns certain
combinations of punctuation marks to smiley faces. A chat conversation without smileys
often feels less friendly and less expressive.
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