The social network has finally launched its Timeline Apps platform, which includes a variety of applications based on Open Graph API.
This platform, which was announced last September on the F8 conference, allows third party developers and companies to build Facebook applications that can post information about any events in the life of the user, his interests, habits and preferences. What exactly should see other Facebook users, you can configure using applications settings.
"Facebook Applications" Category
Facebook Timeline Apps Platform
Facebook Application for iPad
On Monday, the social network Facebook has released an application for the iPad. The company reported on the official blog: “Today, it’s finally here. With the iPad app, you get the full Facebook experience, right at your fingertips.”.
Zynga Presented New Social Game Adventure World
Social games giant Zynga introduced the first trailer for the new project Adventure World. It is a social game for Facebook, in which the player will travel to different countries, solve puzzles, do some amazing discoveries. As usual, it is possible to play with friends.
The Sims Application on Facebook
The cult game The Sims later this month will be available on Facebook. The game will be called The Sims Social. Initially, developers promised to release it on June 23. Now launch is expected in late August.
Popular Facebook Application for Playing Alone
There are a lot of interesting entertaining games in the social networking site. But usually you aren’t allowed to play them without inviting of a plenty of your Facebook friends. There are even special payments required to be made in order to take part in the game without bringing any of your friends to the game. Read more
Best Fashion Facebook Pages to Follow
Here are the most popular Facebook apps concerning fashion introduced in the present article. As a matter of fact our tastes depend on the social networking sites a lot as they are actually distributors of vogue and dictate what is in and out of fashion nowadays. That is why you are strongly recommended to consider the opinion of fashion experts of the social networking sites, in this particular case Facebook in order not to be reputed as someone who keeps abreast of life. Read more
Just For Fun Facebook Applications
The present article introduces some Facebook play applications that enjoy wide popularity among users of the social networking site. They differ from game apps on Facebook, e.g. Mafia Wars or FarmVille and won’t trench upon your time a lot as the games mentions above usually do because you gradually get addicted to them and loose your time control being busy with them. The play apps described below were created with the purpose to help you to entertain yourself if you have a little spare time. You will enjoy them without doubt. Read more
Popular Video Applications on Facebook
There are different Facebook video applications described in the present article. Although it may seem that only porn distributors are interested in the development of this sphere of the social networking site as the number of video clips showing bedroom scenes is quite large and proves their wide popularity among the Facebook users. Anyway the videotapes can be on various topics and the apps introduced below were mostly created for entertainment purposes: Read more
Popular Tools for Monitoring Your Children on Facebook
The discussions about the use of the social networking site by children appeared a long time ago and go on to remain one of the most important problems of today. The debates led even to enactment of age restrictions for Facebook users. Only children reached 13 years are allowed to register on the site.
But even if the child is old enough to be a Facebook account holder his/her parents are usually concerned about their child’s activities on the net. And this concern seems to be reasonable because the social networking site is full of data of different content.
That is why parents are advised to take control of the child’s actions on the site; and the following products were created exactly for the purpose to help parents to do it.
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Guide For iPhone Facebook Application 3.2
Recently a new version of the famous iPhone Facebook application was introduced by the inventive iPhone developers who clearly realize that the large majority of their client contains of true users of the social networking site Facebook. The improved 3.2 version is available on iTunes, the official Apple Store website. Read more