On this weekend we released Social Searcher API V2.0, which is designed in a RESTful manner and provides an easy way to integrate data with your own software without necessity to use interface.
Let’s have a look on the main features.
Real-time Search in Social Networks
Do you want to know what people are posting now in different social networks in one request? Social Searcher API will provide search results in unified format from the following 9 popular networks:
- Twitter
- Google+
- Youtube
- Instagram
- Tumblr
- Reddit
- Flickr
- Dailymotion
- Vimeo
Social Searcher automatically adds information about post sentiment, content type and language. Query syntax supports exact phrase search, minus keywords and OR operators.
Social Media Monitoring
Start listening to the all Web mentions, exact Facebook pages feeds and popular social networks buzz with our API. Social Searcher will collect history of your brand mentions and provide easy access to it via API: pagination, sort by date or popularity, filter by social network, sentiment or content type, search within found posts.
Your history is stored as long as your subscription is active.
API also allows to get extended analytics of the mentions for periods, CSV format export and RSS feed.
Feel free to contact us for more information and custom limits: info[at]social-searcher.com