Facebook Buys Facial Recognition Company Face.com

facebook_facial_recognitionBack in 2010 Facebook released Automatic Facial Recognition feature and now the social network acquires facial recognition startup Face.com.

Face.com was founded just three years ago and already provided some face recognition technology to Facebook. According to the Financial Times, the amount of the deal can be estimated in the tens of millions of dollars. The mass media called the sum of $ 80-100 million.

Face.com developed popular mobile application Klik, which allows users to automatically tag Facebook friends on the photos. Currently, Klik has 125 thousand users worldwide.

The acquisition of the facial recognition startup will help Facebook to improve the feature: it will be possible to determine a person’s mood on the photo.

However, the facial recognition technology also has enemies, especially among those ones who believe that such service violates their right for privacy. Concerns were supported by the EU Government, which began inspection of Facebook. In the U.S. a number of organizations started a lawsuit against the social network accusing it in ignoring of the user control over his tagging on the photos.

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