Warning: All Facebook Profile Visitor Apps – Fake

facebook-crime-logoFacebook is quickly becoming one of the most popular platforms for web-scams of all kinds. This is not surprising due to 900 million potential victims. Web criminals invent new ways of cheating everyday, recent trend is Profile Visitor Applications, according to Internet security company Dr. Web.

Such applications like Profile Visitor, promise to show you who viewed your facebook profile. The application asks for access to publish on your facebook wall, and then publish the image with a link to a malicious site. Your friends are tagged in this image, so this spammy stuff becomes viral. Some of these malicious sites ask to specify credit card information, others offer the user to write his mobile phone number and write the code, which he has received using SMS, into special input field. In such way scammers can sign you to the paid “information service”.

The social network doesn’t provide special API for such functionality like getting information about your Facebook profile visitors, so All Facebook Profile Visitor Apps are Fake ones.

facebook-fishingOften scammers “hijack” users’ accounts and start sending messages to their friends with spam, or even asking for money. The users themselves give their login and password to scammers by entering secure information on a fake Facebook login page, which looks exactly as the original one. Please, check up domain name of the site in your web browser before submitting your login/password in to the web form. Also one should know that Facebook won’t ask you for login information if you are already logged in.

Dmitry Oreshko

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