There is a chance for every Facebook user not just to use the social networking site for fun but also to make money out of it. And this is especially great for those account holders who can’t live without their favourite Facebook but want to earn something taking into account that employers usually don’t allow to visit social sites like that at the working place.
Here are some signs that serve to be the tokens of the disease called Facebook addiction:
- You visit Facebook almost every free minute and log in via your phone if your boss
disapproves use of this site; - You frequently update your status message on Facebook;
- You are always eager to play famous Facebook games, e.g. FarmVille or Mafia Wars.
Below are some figures with regard to an average Facebook user’s activity per month. They should help you to estimate you Facebook activity more precise. Thus, an average Facebook user:
- has ca. 130 friends;
- has about eighty groups, events and fan pages;
- creates something like 90 pieces of different content per month including link sharing, posting of photos and messages;
- spends about 6 hours and 50 minutes by browsing Facebook.
If you do more than an average Facebook account holder during a month, than you are probably
a Facebook junkie. Here is a list with the most appropriate FB occupations for you:
1) Business development/product manager
This is a person who helps other FB users to hustle business on. You will be employed as business consultant, assistant or as tech support will add new content on the fan pages of your clients and promote their corporate websites on Facebook. You can get this job if you have a degree in Computer Systems MBA.
2) Internal corporate communications professional
This is a person who can to start positive conversation about the products, services and customers within the limits of the internal corporate communication strategies. The job will be available for you if you have a degree as a BS in Communications
3) Applications developer
This is a person who develops new Facebook apps including games e.g. you can apply for the job position if you have a degree as a BS in Computer Science.
4) Public and community relations specialist
If you are a MA in Public Relations than you have good chances to receive this job. PR specialists are in demand now because there work can improve the fame of brand. They are able to make the brand very recognizable through Facebook and drive up the demand on it in his way.
5) Event planning and promotion manager
You are required to have educational degree in associate in Event Planning in order to get this job. If you know how to design and create event son FB and are very good at the management as well then you need to try yourself as a FB event manager.
6) Political campaign assistant
Required educational degree: BS in Political Science is required for this position. Politicians use different mean to be promoted including the social networking sites like Facebook.