An improved Facebook Application 2.0 for Blackberry was introduced by the social networking site not long ago. It’s in a beta version as yet but disclosed a lot of advantages comparing with the previous version which was developed with menu after menu to scroll through to do anything. The new app is considerably quicker to boot and really easy-to-use.
Blackberry’s Facebook App is very simple for use on a phone. After running the application two drop-down menus appear in the shape of two columns on both sides. News Feed, Profile View, notifications, search, messages, friends, chat, Places, photos and options are on the left. There are all the updates of notifications, messages, friend requests and chat conversations received on the right.
There is also a chat field on the left side of the Facebook for Blackberry. The chat deserves a special attention and not only for its easy use. You will automatically be signed in and receive an opportunity to choose out of friends willing to talk and marked with a green circle. If you want to send a letter to them, press enter or the Send button on the menu. Nevertheless it ought to be noted that a lot of people choose phone messaging instead of chatting on a phone via internet as the latter isn’t the most comfortable way to communicate.
However, Blackberry tries to create better conditions for users while dividing the screen into three parts: upload photos feature on the left, status update in the middle, and Places icon on the right.
Blackberry’s Facebook application is similar to a phone book because users have the chance to look through all the Facebook info of their friends, e.g. Wall, photos, information, poke, view mutual friends. The users are also provided with an opportunity to call their friend if they acquire their phone numbers. Otherwise Blackberry Contacts should aid in this case.
Previously a small print representing Comments and Likes was shown on the bottom of every item in the news feed. But now the “more button” performs function of the place to express your attitude towards the data.
Over 10,000 app’s downloads were performed during the first 24 hours after the app’s release according to Blackberry. It should be remembered that the app is still in beta version only. Blackberry’s Facebook app hadn’t been changed for over three years and success of the latest update proves the necessity of such improvements.