Popular Facebook Applications for Teenagers

It seems at first sight that all the applications presented on Facebook were created in the first line for young people mostly under 18 as the number of underage users is the largest if we glance at the average age grade of Facebook account holders. But actually there is a difference in preferences among the teens. That means that some of the apps are more popular among them whereas the others are much less common. Below you can find the list of the apps which seem to be the most favourable for young account holders of the social networking site.

It is important to note that the division of the apps basing on age-related criterion is quite complicated because some apps find adorers among the people belonging to absolutely age categories. They are FarmVille and Mafia Wars for example.

Nevertheless here are the apps that seem to be the best for underage persons:

1) SocialCalendar FB Application

Thanks to this app you are provided with the opportunity to create your own calendar where you are empowered to enter any events you want and also both manage and share them with your friends and relatives. It looks like the creators of the present app are underage by themselves because they’ve done something that is necessary for all the teens in fact. These developers really know what young people are eager to see in a Facebook app.

2) My Music FB App

All the teens like music very much that is why a list of apps preferred by underage wouldn’t be complete without an app relating to music and developed by Tagshine. “My Music FB App” allows you to make your friends familiar with your iTunes library and to learn their opinions concerning the pieces of music you are fond of. Apart from that you’ll receive the chance to watch over six millions of videos to your favorite songs. You are also empowered to create libraries of both music and artists you prefer.

3) Birthday Cards App for Facebook

The app will undoubtedly help you if you can’t memorize the dates of birth of all of your friends. And this is not surprisingly taking into account the usual large number of friends. By means of this app you will never forget to congratulate your friends with birthday as the red-letter day will be marked in your calendar. You’ll also receive the chance to present beautiful cards to your friends who will certain be very pleased.

4) FriendBlock Application for Facebook Teen Members

This app is very useful for creative teens in the first line. It helps you to make huge photo collages that contain photos of your Facebook friends. The idea of the app’s developers, Robby and Davy Campano, is highly appreciated by underage public and is really in great demand.

Dmitry Oreshko

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