The competition among the plenty of different tools created to improve the appearance of users’ fan pages is quite high. Below you will find a list with only a few of them, whereas all of the mentioned tools are aimed to grade up your page. And this improvement is an important condition for remaining frequented and widely read. Thus and so, if you want to make your group or business page holding the attention of other people, pay attention to the next services:
A lot of applications were created with the purpose to assist you in upgrading and updating of the social network service. The most popular is Openbook for instance. But if you intend to be acquainted with the opinions of other Facebook users concerning your group or band, you are advised to choose Booshaka. This is a tool that provides you info about people’s attitude towards your product. As a matter of fact, the system is quite similar to one used through Twitter search tool.
Like Button
This tool put you a lot of different features at disposal. All of them are available for Facebook account holders only. You are allowed to add as many websites as you want. The idea is to learn the attitude of other users to these websites. There are “Like” and “Link” buttons there to achieve it.
Social Graph
You will especially like this visualization Facebook tool in case you are eager to make your page prominent and really outstanding. It provides you all the opportunities to attain the goal of making improvements in the page’s design. Foe example, the image network showcase can be changed while you are allowed to hide or highlight the profile pictures at your choice. One of the main advantages of the present tool is its simplicity of browsing and usage.
Friend Wheel
It is undoubtedly one of the best visualization tools. Thanks to Friend Wheel you will be able to see all of your friends’ profiles in a circle at ones. In addition to that you can observe relations between your friends that are marked with special connecting lines. This visual method may help you to realize the reasons for being chosen by some unknown persons.