Wedding is a very important event in life of everybody, especially concerning the girls who begin to make plans about the wedding day even since their childhood. That significance of the marriage requires a lot of careful preparations. Internet offers help on this matter not least of all. There is a wide range of different wedding applications on Facebook, for example. There number comes up to 150. Below is the list with the most popular Facebook wedding apps. They all aim to turn your the solemnization of the marriage into an incredible and unforgettable event.
Wedding Book
This Facebook application can by right be called as the most famous and favourite of plenty of people getting married. It suggests a lot of helpful advices and other useful things that couples are actually looking for. Below are the most important things that this app is able to provide the pairs with:
- Wedding Book creates a special webpage for you in order to make notes of all the necessary things that must be available in wedding ceremony;
- Wedding Book contains a Guestbook and Guest list that make it possible to introduce all the guests to each other. Thanks to Facebook profiles, guests even from different parts of the world get an opportunity to become acquainted with each other. You may give them a permission to look through your personal wedding profile box where you can contain all essential info concerning your wedding;
- Thanks to Wedding Book you are able to set up a countdown clock that will show in a counterclockwise direction number of days, hours and minutes left before your wedding date. This function simplifies bearing in memory the date and allows your guests to plan their lives timing and visit your wedding at the appropriate time;
- Wedding Book contains many links to special forums where people who are going to get married discuss different problems connected with the preparations to the nuptials. Such a conversation intends to reduce tension of the couples caused by all the preparation fuss.
- The next service of the present app provides you an opportunity to look through various types of dress for the wedding. The clothes on models have the purpose to inspire you to creation of your own unique dress.
- By means of this function you receive the chance to get a bridal avatar in order to let all of your Facebook friends know that you are going to get married. Knowing this, they may give you some very useful advices concerning the preparation matters.
Connected Wedding
This application provides you the opportunity to develop your own authoring webpage where you will be able to place things you are planning to include in your solemnization of a marriage. You can update the information there as often as you want. The presented app supplies you also with some other wedding planning tools and online RSVPing along with audio/video section. The last mentioned section allows you to place photos of the guests you intend to invite. Thanks to this placement on the net, your guests who do not know each other get the chance to be acquainted even before the ceremony.