Handy Tools for Updating Facebook Offsite

Below you will find the list of the desktop applications for implementing of Facebook updates and notifications without even having to keep the site open in a browser. The number of these tools constantly increases, but here are eight of them.

Flip Toast

Flip Toast will help you to be notified of the latest action in your News Feed, to post updates, leave comments, and even upload photos directly from your desktop. Interactivity is a distinguishing feature of the team on the application’s page found here; do not waver to ask everything you want to know.


seesmicA plugin that allows direct access to Facebook is offered by Seesmic‘s desktop application. Facebook is only one of a plenty of other networks that are also included into it. This service works on PCs and Macs.


Thanks to Sobees you will have a chance to integrate your various social network profiles into a condensed user-friendly program. It provides you access to all components of Facebook if you choose to access the official page in your browser more seldom.


After downloading of FBQuick you will get the opportunity to receive immediate notice alarm that appears on the screen of your computer in real time. The desktop application guarantees users will never miss updates, even when navigating through other tasks on the computer.

Fishbowl for Facebook

FishbowlfinalFishbowl for Facebook is a Microsoft Windows-based application. It will transform your whole experience on the social network into an easy-to-use desktop alternative to the web browser site. If you are eager to download the application, click here.

Facebook Desktop

Facebook Desktop is another a Microsoft Windows-based application. After downloading the app you will get pop-up notifications on the bottom of your screen, and have access to your profile in a convenient window available at anytime on the main screen of your computer.


flacedeckfinalF!acedeck introduces your social profile in a new fashionable design. It helps you to catch up with your friends’ activities, the latest photos, and never miss a beat on your News Feed as your Facebook page will be just a click away.


The name of this app may erroneously make you think the tool is a Twitter-based application. But in fact, this desktop application facilitates connection with the social network Facebook even without visiting the website.

Dmitry Oreshko

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