"Facebook Rumors" Category

Doctor Diagnoses Friend’s Appendicitis Via Facebook

A Live was saved thanks to opportunity to communicate via the social network Facebook.
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Teen Landed in Jail for Hiring Hit Man via Facebook

One of Facebook’s users put up for auction the remuneration for the commission of murder of the person who got him into trouble. The situation seems to be even more terrifying after finding out that the man promising the reward and the other person set for the former as his object are connected through the relationships of a rapist and his victim.
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Will Obama’s Daughters be on Facebook?

obama_daughtersWhile being interviewed on the “Today” show Michelle Obama, the USA’s first lady frankly admitted that she prohibits her children to use Facebook. This restriction of using the social network stirred up the discussion about the rightness of such a limitation.

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Will Facebook Employees Sell $1 Billion In Shares?

It was lately reported that an institutional investor suggested Facebook $1 billion in exchange for employees’ shares of the social network.
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South Carolina Prisoners May Be Banned From Facebook

Convicts use computers and cell phones and consequently have access to Facebook which opening is not actually allowed in prison. The authorities find out new ways to prevent Facebook access by inmates. South Carolina offered to fine those who were caught surfing the social net. The punishment includes $500 and an extra month in prison.
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83 Percent of Prostitutes are on Facebook

After a thorough research Sudhir Venkatesh, sociology professor at Columbia University came to the conclusion that about 83 percent of whores have their profiles on Facebook. A lot of turned to the social network but Craiglist got rid of the “adult service” category at a later time.
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81% Check up in Google or Facebook before First Date

Curiosity is one of typical human traits. And it becomes stronger when you meet someone who you intend to turn into your future lover. Google and Facebook come here to the rescue. According to an unofficial survey four people out of five look through profiles on Facebook in order to find out more about the person they are interested in.
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The Strangest Facebook Fan Pages of 2010

Facebook was created not only as an online social community where people communicate, give their opinions, discuss pressing issues but also as a method for humanity to be entertained. This fact accounts for appearance of funny Facebook pages that help people to relax, in the first instance after a hard working day. Read more

Viral ‘I Love Facebook’ Photo Of Egyptian

An English expostulatory demonstrated a sigh saying “I love Facebook” on Twitter. This photo became viral there via the shortened address http://yfrog.com/h3g76hj and now it penetrated into Facebook.
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Pickup Tips For Facebook Dating

All of us dream about true love, at least subconsciously and hope to find his real lover, his half. But the charm of one night relationships does not lessen on the back of it. That is why Facebook considers a possibility to organize such meaningful one night stands.

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