"Applications Review" Category

6 Best Facebook Games of 2012

facebook-gamesPossibility to play online games in the social network is a very import feature of the Facebook. Perhaps, the social network can not yet boast with the most convinient online entertainment: endless notification pop-ups and offers to buy something.

However, we are glad to present following six best Facebook games of 2012: a carefully selected and definitely worth to pay attention to.

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6 Tools for Downloading Your Photos from Facebook

facebook_photo_downloadStoring all your photos in one place is not a good idea. May be someday you’ll want to switch to another social network or leave the online world at all, anyway, it’s better to have a possibility to save all images that were posted on Facebook.

And today we’ll look into a few applications that will help you to save all the photographs that you were tagged on or published in your albums.

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HUGE: Facebook Camera App for iPhone

facebook_camera_iconAbout a month ago Facebook announced buying of the social photo application Instagram for $1 billion.

Today the social network releases its own Instagram Clone application called Facebook Camera for iPhone. This application allows you to rotate, crop and apply upto 15 filters to the image, tag friends, places on them and add a description.

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Angry Birds on Facebook!

angry_birds_facebookThe Rovio company launched Angry Birds App for Faceboook. It was reported by CNN.
In general, according to developers, this application for Facebook is a bit different comparing to its mobile version. Users can play on the standard levels with some advanced features: additional accuracy, more powerful birds, and much more.
However, users will have to pay for these bonuses. Representatives of the Rovio hope that users of Angry Birds Facebook will pay more gladly for bonus options then in similar applications like “FarmVille” or “Mafia Wars”.

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Zynga Presented New Social Game Adventure World

adventure-world_facebookSocial games giant Zynga introduced the first trailer for the new project Adventure World. It is a social game for Facebook, in which the player will travel to different countries, solve puzzles, do some amazing discoveries. As usual, it is possible to play with friends.

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The Sims Application on Facebook

The_Sims_LogoThe cult game The Sims later this month will be available on Facebook. The game will be called The Sims Social. Initially, developers promised to release it on June 23. Now launch is expected in late August.

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